Health Promotion Day 2 and Beading Lesson

Today started out quite a bit rough for me. I was having some major stomach issues so I wasn’t able to do everything I wanted to do. We went to the Pow Wow again and did more health promotion stuff. Since I couldn’t really join in with jump roping with the children I organized my group’s stuff and played with the kids in other ways. One particular instance was a little toddler who just didn’t want anything to do with us. I kept being persistant by showing her different toys and snacks but she didn’t really care. Then I started blowing bubbles towards her and that caught her attention. All of a sudden she started going after them to pop them. So I did that for a good 20 minutes. It was so nice to see her warm up to me, even if it was slow. I also gave out all of our coloring pages and explained to adults and kids about how good the exercises were for them to do. It was so nice to see everyone really working to make some form of a difference in these peoples lives. I noticed everyone coming up was also worried about their relatives. They wanted to get things for their neices, nephews, brothers, sisters, etc. That reason alone is why I think they have hope for the future. They want to be able to provide for their large families so the children see that and grow up wanting the same things.

After we finished up at the Pow Wow we went to a beading lesson where I made an awesome bracelet. I only stabbed myself 6 times so I think that’s a success! We also had a nice group meeting tonight, very heartfelt and sweet. I was given the Native American name of Clarissa weaver of stories. Many people felt that was appropriate considering I tell bedtime stories to all of my bunk mates. Another great day and I can’t wait for tomorrow!! Good night all!

By cjansen82

2 comments on “Health Promotion Day 2 and Beading Lesson

  1. I didn’t get to hear as many of your stories as others, but what an awesome name! You were a trooper on this day–even with being in extreme discomfort, you participated as much as you could. It would have been very easy to sit out of this activity, but you stuck it out and had some meaningful interactions. Kudos to you!

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